Muschel-Anhänger "Biene", Größe "S"
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🦪Echte Schale einer Jakobsmuschel 🦪darf fallen, geht NICHT kaputt! 🦪viele Muster erhältlich
Bist Du reif für die Insel? Dann gönne Dir doch mal etwas ganz ei-nzigartiges!
Mit Satinband: Hänge diese Jakobsmuscheln an eine Weinflasche Türklinke, Kerzenständer, Gastgeschenk, Servierte, Hochzeitsdeko, oder Rankgilfen im Garten.
Mit Karabiner: Für deine Lieblingstasche, Schlüsselbund, Handykette, Kosmetikbeutel, Einkaufskorb.
🐚Größe: Umfang ca. 5 x 7 cm/ Tiefe ca. 0,8 cm
🐚mit Metall-Quaste
🐚Wird in Baumwollbeutel geliefert
Das Satinband suche ich farblich passend zum Motiv aus - bei einem besonderen Wunsch, bitte einen Kommentar hinterlassen, oder eine Email schreiben.
Du magst eine Goldkante? Gerne, schreib mir kurz, das mache ich ohne Preisaufschlag für Dich!
Schlüsselanhänger erhalten für den täglichen Gebrauch ein Extrafinisch mit Schutzlack, damit Du lange Freude an Deinem Unikat hast.
🐚S VARIANT: Circumference approx. 5 x 7 cm / depth approx. 0.8 cm
🐚L VARIANT: Circumference approx. 10x 11cm/ depth approx. 2cm
⭐️No bowl is identical, they have grains, raised edges and different edges - these are not flaws, but support the specialness and natural character.
⭐️Decorative items in the pictures are for inspiration and are not part of the offer!
⭐️We are always open to special requests, just contact us without obligation via WhatsApp: 015117609261, or by email:
Shell pendants are versatile and decorative accessories that can be used in a variety of ways.
- Gift Tags: Shell tags add a personal touch to gifts and can be used as decorative gift tags.
- Wine Bottle Decoration: Hang a shell pendant around the neck of a wine bottle to present on special occasions.
- Candlestick decoration: Decorate candlesticks, candlesticks or lanterns with shell pendants to create a unique atmosphere.
- Doorknob Pendants: Shell pendants can be hung on doorknobs to bring a touch of nature or holiday spirit into your home.
- Garden Decoration: Hang shell pendants in the garden to add a touch of beach or seaside atmosphere.
- Window Decorations: Shell pendants can be attached to curtains or shutters to filter daylight in an interesting way.
- Gifts: Give shell pendants as gifts to friends or family members to remind them of special seaside experiences or to wish them luck and protection.
- Vase Necklace: Decorate vases with shell pendants by tying them around the neck of the vase to give them a unique look.
- Napkin rings or table decorations: Place the napkins with the shell pendants on your guests' plates or on the set table. The shell pendants give your table decoration an individual touch. You can also purchase these from us with initials.
- Keychain: Unbelievable but true! Shells are very durable and are perfect as keychains because they won't break if they fall on the ground.
The Pecten jacobaeus is a marine mussel that lives primarily on soft bottoms and is native to both the eastern Atlantic and therefore on the west coast of Africa as well as the Mediterranean. The shell was named after Saint James and is often referred to as the pilgrim's shell. The Pecten jacobaeus was first scientifically described by Carl von Linné, a taxonomist and naturalist from Sweden.
The scallop lives in both shallow water and the deep sea up to around 500 meters, although the scallop prefers temperatures around 20 °C. The Pecten jacobaeus is often eaten by various other marine animals and for this reason has developed a special escape method. This means that the large scallop is able to close forcefully and quickly when a predator comes closer to it. This gives the Pecten jacobaeus a push-back drive, so that the pilgrim mussel moves a few meters away. In this way, the mussel gets out of the danger zone and causes confusion for the attacking sea creature.